CBH Access and Associated Services
Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited
Contract Period
Feb 2014 - Ongoing
South West Region, WA, Australia
Mining & Resources
The Co-Operative Bulk Handlling Limited (CBH) group is Australia’s largest co-operative and a leader in the Australian grain industry, with operations extending along the value chain from grain storage, handling, transport, marketing and processing.
Its storage and handling system currently receive and exports around 90 per cent of the Western Australian grain harvest and is regarded as one of the best in the world.
The CBH group owns a state-of-the-art rail fleet dedicated to the most efficient transfer of grain from country receival points to its four port terminals.
The following operational sites are involved in the process:
- Kwinana Grain Terminal; located 45km south of Perth.
- Metro Grain Centre (MGC); located in Forrestfield, 20 kilometres east of Perth, the MGC is one of the most innovative and advanced grain receival, storage and distribution complexes in the world.
- Other regional terminals and receiver points in Koorda, Merredin, Corrigin, Wongan Hills and Avon.
Altrad Services are contracted by CBH, as part of a panel of subcontractors, to provide access equipment, labour and associated services.
The provision of services includes:
- Scaffolding personnel and equipment (tube and clip and Kwikstage);
- Rope access personnel and equipment;
- Blasting and painting personnel and equipment;
- Insulation and sheet metal work personnel and equipment.
- Flexible crewing based on CBH requirements; either full time crew or call-off basis.
- Altrad Services access decision tree assists CBH with execution methodology.
- Successfully reduced overall scaffolding tonnage on site by 30Tonnes.
- Introduction of rope access, across multiple trades, into the CBH south west operations.
- 14,269 Manhours to date (June 19)
- LTI Free