Orica Yarwun Scaffolding and Insulation Services
Orica Australia Pty Ltd
Contract Period
Oct 2014 - Ongoing
Yarwun, QLD, Australia
Mining & Resources
Orica Australia Pty Ltd (Orica) Yarwun facility is located 9 kilometres west of Gladstone, Queensland. The facility manufactures products which are used in Queensland mining operations as well as in the national and international mining industries. The facilities consist of:
- Three nitric acid plants;
- Two ammonium nitrate plants;
- Ammonium nitrate emulsion phase plant;
- Expanded polystyrene plant;
- Sodium cyanide plant;
- Two import facilities.
Altrad Services are contracted by Orica to provide scaffolding activities with an option for insulation and cladding, where requested by Orica. The provision of services includes:
- Routine Services: core personnel to ensure ongoing maintenance of plant during normal operations;
- Outage Services: additional personnel to support Orica outages of portions of its plant whilst the remainder of the plant continues in operation;
- Shutdown Services: additional personnel to support Orica on major plant shutdowns;
- Emergency or Breakdown Services: emergency resource response within contractual timeframes;
- Minor capital works.
- Core maintenance crew are all locally employed personnel;
- November 2018 – Cyanide plant shutdown execution;
- September 2018 – Recognition for alignment with Orica values;
- August 2018 – Nitric acid plant 3 shutdown execution;
- 2017 – Nitric acid plants 2 and 3 shutdown execution;
- 2016 – Cyanide plant and Nitric acid plant 3 shutdown execution;
- 2015 – Nitric acid plant 3 shutdown execution.
- 64,009 Manhours (Jan 2017 to Jun 2019)
- LTI Free